
deserves the opportunity
to build a better life.

25th Anniversary seal, reading 25 years and building, ReStore Habitat for Humanity Capital Region

We believe in a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Habitat for Humanity Capital Region is a nonprofit organization that helps people build and improve places to call home in Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties, Michigan. We were founded on the conviction that everyone deserves a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all.
During our 35+ year history in Greater Lansing, Habitat Capital Region has expanded the affordable housing stock in our communities and provided direct housing services to over 1,000 households through our affordable homeownership, home repair, and accessibility ramp programs.

IN THIS VIDEO: De'Angelo shares how Habitat Capital Region prepared him to purchase his Habitat home and give his boys the stability they need to build bright futures.

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Who We Serve

We build and repair homes in partnership with local people who are in need of a safe, decent, and affordable place to live. We work with low- to moderate-income families and individuals, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, political views, or any of the other distinctions that too often divide people.

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How We Serve

Financially qualified families and individuals partner with us to purchase an affordable home or to make affordable exterior repairs and accessibility modifications to their home. Homebuyers help build their own homes alongside volunteers and purchase their homes from Habitat Capital Region with affordable mortgage payments set at or below 30% of their monthly income.

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How to Help

Habitat works when everyone works together. From donors to volunteers to hardworking homeowners, everyone plays an essential role in our mission. Your financial support, your voice, and your time will help bring strength, stability, and independence to people in need of a decent place to live.

ReStore is the store that builds homes.

The Habitat ReStore is much more than just a place to find great deals on furniture, appliances, home décor, and building materials. ReStores are nonprofit thrift stores and donation centers that exist to fund the mission of Habitat for Humanity to build decent, affordable housing in partnership with local families.
Your donations and purchases at the ReStore help hardworking families build a great future on the strong foundation of home. Whether you shop, donate, or a little of both, everyone wins at the ReStore—it’s the store that builds homes!

Our Impact In The Capital Region So Far

Homes Built

Our homes are built/rehabbed in partnership with Habitat homebuyers who purchase their homes with an affordable mortgage.

Homes Repaired

Our repair program helps homeowners preserve and restore the health and safety of their home.

Ramps Installed

Our accessibility ramp program builds independence, helping people to safely come and go from their home.

See the impact of your gift.

It takes a lot of people, money, and hard work to build a Habitat for Humanity house.

With your support, more local families can build a bright future on the foundation of a safe, decent, and affordable home.


provides 50 lbs. of nails



provides a bucket of paint



provides a kitchen sink



provides a front porch



provides exterior doors



provides home insulation



Lansing Intentional Communities and The Peoples Church of East Lansing announce partnership with Habitat for Humanity Capital Region to provide housing for adults with developmental disabilities.

Partnership Announcement | LINCS and The Peoples Church

Habitat for Humanity, Lansing Intentional Communities, and The Peoples Church Launch Partnership to Transform Unique Home LANSING, MI (November 23, 2024) – Habitat for Humanity Capital Region is kicking off a unique and impactful partnership with Lansing Intentional Communities (LINCS) and The Peoples Church of East Lansing to provide safe, affordable housing for adults with…

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Carly's Home Base: Carly and her children pose for a photo in front of the new Habitat house.

Carly’s Home Base

Carly and her family lived in substandard rental housing for many years. Dealing with cramped spaces, inadequate heating, and safety concerns is not what Carly wanted for her kids at home. Instead, she was dreaming of creating a home base. Nevertheless, after working hard to rebuild her credit and career post-separation, Carly applied to the…

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Upcoming Events

25th Anniversary featured photo: "25 years & building | ReStore"
ReStore 25th Anniversary Sale
25 Years is a Big Deal Retail is tough. The average lifespan ...
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Martha's Home Dedication: Martha and her daughter smile for a photo with a Habitat for Humanity yard sign in front of their future Habitat home.
Martha’s Home Dedication
You're invited to join Habitat Capital Region in celebrating Martha's closing and ...
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Rebellia's Home Dedication: The family smiles for a photos on their future front steps.
Rebellia’s Home Dedication
You're invited to join Habitat Capital Region in celebrating Rebellia's closing and ...
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Our partners

Corporations, community groups, faith groups, media, and private philanthropic organizations join us each year to help build homes, communities, and hope. We are deeply grateful to our partners who help make building homes, communities, and hope possible.

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