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Home is the Key 2023

Habitat for Humanity's Home is the Key 2023 campaign is in full swing at the Habitat ReStore in both Lansing and Williamston. The campaign helps more local people like Idalia (above) and De'Angelo (below) access affordable and sustainable Habitat housing opportunities in the Greater Lansing area.

Shoppers play a crucial role in achieving this goal by donating $1, $5, or $20 at checkout at the Lansing and Williamston ReStores during the month of April.


Ron and Joey show off support Williamston ReStore shoppers gave to the campaign in 2021!

By donating at checkout, ReStore shoppers will not only be contributing to affordable local housing solutions but will also have their name written on a key and added to the wall of keys at the ReStore. Even more, contributing to this campaign is a great way to show support for the community and to leave a lasting impact on the lives of those in need of a hand up.

Impact Local Families


When De'Angelo applied to purchase a Habitat home, he was sleeping on his grandmother's couch while his boys, Jaedyn and Jordan, shared a bunkbed room. Now, he has provided his family with a Habitat house that he was able to purchase with an affordable mortgage, and they all have rooms of their own!

However, stories like De'Angelo's are not uncommon. Right now, there are nine families including 20 children waiting to purchase an affordable home with Habitat Capital Region. "A majority of Americans believe that it is challenging to find affordable quality housing in their communities and more than half of all adults say they have made at least one trade-off in order to cover their rent or mortgage." (Habitat for Humanity International).

If you're looking to make a difference and support affordable housing in the Greater Lansing area, 1) shopping at your local Habitat ReStore and 2) donating to the Home is the Key campaign in April are both great ways to do so. By working together, we can build stronger, more sustainable communities for all Greater Lansing residents.

Next time you're at the ReStore, consider giving $1, $5, or $20 to the Home is the Key campaign and having your name added to the wall of keys!

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