
Habitat family for Women Build House

Exciting news! A family will be moving into the Habitat home on Forest Avenue in Lansing. With the effort of the local community, volunteers, and lots of hard work, the family is preparing to move into their new home this winter. This home was a new build; the Women Build event finished the exterior in spring of 2015. Since then, dozens of local organizations and volunteers have contributed to the completion of the home. Homeowners are required to invest 200-400 hours of sweat equity by helping to build their home, other Habitat homes, and taking classes on homeownership.

WLNS interviewed the mom, set of 11-year-old quadruplets, and their 10-year-old brother on this exciting milestone. Click here to meet the Bonds family and see the exclusive WLNS Channel 6 News cover on the story. 

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