03.18.20 UPDATE: Habitat Capital Region’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic

With each day that passes, our understanding and appreciation of the seriousness of this global health pandemic increases. Beyond the sober and significant health risks of the novel coronavirus, we are all painfully aware that the long-term economic consequences of COVID-19 will test us all.  

In keeping with Monday’s announcements by the White House and CDC of new guidelines to help protect Americans during the global COVID-19 pandemic, Habitat for Humanity Capital Region will take the following measures to safeguard our volunteers, donors, current and future homeowners, and staff members:  

  • Call a short-term stop to all construction and other events
  • Temporarily close Habitat ReStores
  • Close Habitat for Humanity Capital Region office to outside visitors, including suspending orientations and education classes
  • All staff who are able to work remotely from their homes to do so

These measures will be in place, at minimum, for as long as the new federal guidance remains in effect. At this time, we have set March 31, 2020 as our next review milestone.

This health crisis calls on all of us to make decisions that are not only in the best interest of our ministry, but for the safety of our communities at large.

We fully recognize that there are consequences to these actions, and that when build sites fall silent and Habitat ReStores are shuttered, the financial impact will be unavoidable and consequential. Balanced against the well-being of those we serve and those who serve our ministry, it is a cost we must bear.  

In partnership,
Vicki Hamilton-Allen

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